
Sunday, July 29, 2007


Alex and I have completed another trip to Wharton. The main purpose was to help Mom get Dad's affairs in order. It's terrible that someone that has lost someone they care for has to go through so much legal mumbo jumbo. It's like torture for Mom.

The trip wasn't all work though. Alex and I squeezed in a little fun. We visited with family and shot various guns. It rained a lot while we were there. Seems to be all it does there these days.

There seems to be a lot of deer on the farm this year. We have been seeing them everywhere. Our farm is one of the few areas around that hasn't had all the trees stripped off.
Wharton Wildlife

Here's some pictures of Anthony, Peggy, and Alex. Alex and Peggy are modeling with Peggy's new New England Firearms 20 guage pump shotgun.
Misc Wharton

We took a couple videos of us shooting guns.
Shooting Vids

The pics below are pretty cool. When flying back into Phoenix we got delayed by a storm that hit Phoenix. I was hoping to get some pictures of a Haboob, but we just caught the tail end of the storm.
View from Plane

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